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Funeral Slideshow

A funeral slideshow is the most memorable and moving service.

We create beautiful mini-movies using your photos and video clips, which combined with meaningful music choices, tells the story of a lifetime. Pick from a wide choice of styles, choose the soundtrack and upload your photos. Then simply sit back and let us do the rest!

Step 1: Choose your music and photos

Start by choosing the music you’d like. Two songs or pieces of music is typical. Add the song durations together to work out the slideshow duration. Aim for the slideshow to be between 6 to 9 minutes long.

Five seconds is the best amount of time per photo, so divide your music duration by 5 and that will tell you how many photos you’ll need to choose. An average number of photos is between 60 and 80. If you have any short video clips, add them in too!

For example: if you have two songs totalling 8 minutes, you’ll need 96 photos. If you have 6 minutes of music in total, you’ll need 72 photos. And if you have one song lasting 3 minutes, you’ll need 36 photos.

Step 2: Format and order the photos

Check through your photo selection and delete any duplicate photos.

Ensure they are in the correct orientation (landscape or portrait). You may need to rotate and re-save them. Check if any scanned photos need cropping to remove excess space around the picture. Both of these tasks can be done easily within the photo viewing software that comes on your laptop, PC, tablet or even your phone. Please also ensure the photos are in standard photo formats – jpg, heic, tiff, etc. Please do not send PDF files as these cannot be included.

If you’d like the photos to appear in a specific order, you MUST rename them BEFORE sending them to us. Eg 01-JohnBrown.jpg 02-JohnBrown.jpg etc. If they are not numbered, we will collate them in a random order.

Step 3: Choose the funeral slideshow style

Step 4: Pick a favourite photo

Choose your favourite photo which will be used on the holding slide (the slide that shows on the screen when the slideshow isn’t playing). These are some examples:

Step 5: Complete the funeral slideshow form and upload the photos

Slideshow Tribute
We’ll use this name on screen at the start of the slideshow. Middle names not required.
You may overtype the default if you wish
What music will accompany the slideshow?
Please copy and paste a YouTube link to this song
Please copy and paste a YouTube link to this song
Please copy and paste a YouTube link to this song
We’ll use this for the holding slide
So we can check we have them all
What order would you like the photos in?
For a specified order, you MUST rename the files BEFORE uploading, eg photo01.jpg photo02.jpg etc
This could be you, the Funeral Director, the Venue etc. Please give a name and email address
Let us know any extra instructions here