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Alpaca Kisses

    Will and Gabby's wedding with alpacas
    Photo: James Day Photography

    There are always plenty of kisses at a wedding. But Will and Gabby had some extra special unexpected alpaca kisses from two fluffy surprise guests – all caught on camera during their CeremonyCast wedding live stream!

    What are alpaca kisses?

    These two extra special guests came from Sydney’s Alpaca Kisses. Here’s how they describe the experience:

    “An Alpaca initiated ‘kiss’ is a very special and magic moment to experience – and to capture on film forever.

    Alpaca’s are naturally inquisitive and gregarious, and it seems that their preferred way of getting to know you is to ‘look deep into your eyes’, to achieve this they have mastered the ‘kiss’ (very delicate dry nose bump) strategy.”

    Watch the moment from their CeremonyCast wedding live stream when the alpacas made their entrance!

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    About the author

    CeremonyCast Sydney Funeral Wedding Live Streaming Webcast Stephen Lee

    Written by Stephen Lee
    Owner, CeremonyCast​Professional Wedding Live Streaming

    Covering Sydney, Southern Highlands, Wollongong, Central Coast, Newcastle & The Hunter