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Funeral Fireworks

    Tim lived a colourful, impressive and fun life and he decided he’d like his farewell to be the same. Family and friends at his memorial ceremony were treated to some very special funeral fireworks as Tim’s ashes were sent skywards. How about that for really going out with a bang?

    Colourful fireworks explode in the night sky above Sydney Australia

    What to do with ashes?

    When someone passes away, there are several options for what can be done with their ashes.


    This involves scattering the ashes in a place that was special to the deceased or that they had requested. Furthermore, this can be done in a public or private location, such as in a garden, at sea, or in a favourite park.

    Cremation jewellery

    Some people choose to have a small amount of their loved one’s ashes incorporated into jewellery. For example, this could be a pendant or a ring, so they can keep their loved one close.

    Memorial art

    This is when ashes are incorporated into artwork or glass, creating a unique memorial piece. Obviously this makes a very memorable tribute.


    Because ashes can be placed in an urn, they can be displayed in the home. Additionally they can be buried in a cemetery or special location.

    Funeral fireworks

    Ashes To Ashes offers a unique yet personal way to commemorate the loss of a loved one by scattering their cremated ashes high into the sky by way of a beautiful and spectacular fireworks display.

    Undeniably it’s an unforgettable moment of reflection. Without a doubt it’s never forgotten, as sadness and grief are replaced by wonderment and celebration, particularly as the journey towards closure begins.

    Going out with a bang

    Tim’s memorial was held at Little Bay overlooking a golf course. When the ceremony ended, guests headed outside to the balcony for an amazing display of fireworks which CeremonyCast live streamed to those watching online. Without doubt it was a truly fitting way to farewell a much-loved friend and family member. And it was all in keeping with his wishes too.

    Sending skywards

    Undoubtedly, fireworks are a popular choice because they are celebratory and can create a beautiful visual display in the sky. The ashes are typically mixed with the fireworks powder and then incorporated into the construction of the firework.

    Want to find out more? You can contact Ashes to Ashes here.

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    About the author

    CeremonyCast Sydney Funeral Wedding Live Streaming Webcast Stephen Lee

    Written by Stephen Lee
    Owner, CeremonyCast​Professional Funeral Live Streaming

    Covering Sydney, Southern Highlands, Wollongong, Central Coast, Newcastle & The Hunter